
Deposits & Withdrawals

Today I wish to discuss withdrawals and deposits.  Over the weekend I had a chance to view a report from the Federal Reserve Bank in New York, the center for Micro-Economic data.  They reported the following:  They reported that total household debt has increased by $193 billion to reach $14.15 billion during the 4th quarter of 2019.  This marks the 22nd consecutive quarter increase with total household debt now $1.5 trillion higher in nominal terms, than the pre-recession peak of $12.68 trillion set in the 3rd quarter of 2008.  We are making withdrawals to our future.  Money that you spend today for things that you may or may not need are withdrawals from your future. 

Every single time I go through the drive thru at my bank, I think about – “am I making a withdrawal in life, or am I making a deposit for my life?”  This is not only money, this is our frame of reference; the way that we think.

When you get up in the morning, do you slowly get out of bed and ease into your day just making a withdrawal, making it slow, making it easy?  Or do you jump on a treadmill, do you go for a walk, do you work out, making a deposit for a longer enduring life?  At the end of the day, do you sit in front of a mindless sitcom, making a withdrawal because it’s easy and I wish to be entertained?  Or do you sit down with a book for further growth of knowledge and of yourself?  Do you make a deposit toward your future and who you are today?  Or do you make a withdrawal?

Regarding your financial life, do you need it now, like the advertisements say?  Or can you put off for the future when you have that cash?  Do you plan an emergency fund?  Do you plan an opportunity fund?  Where do you put your safe money?  Do you plan for your family’s security today and for years and years down the road so you are not forgotten but your legacy lives on and endures?  Do you make a deposit?  Or do you make withdrawals?

I discuss these topics in my book “Investments Don’t Hug – Embracing the Life Insurance Asset”, available on I-Tunes and Audible.  More importantly, I would suggest getting the book so you can highlight those passages that speak to you.  So you can make margin notes.  So you can implement your future based on deposits and not on withdrawals.  This is an owner’s manual for life insurance policies on how they work (the good, the bad), how they can create a legacy today and tomorrow, and how it can be utilized to be able to store your safe money today, whether it be emergencies or more importantly, opportunities. 

To find out more about my book, you can go to  The question today is for yourself – are making deposits?  Or are you making withdrawals in the planning for your future today and tomorrow.

I’m Mark Bertrang, author of “Investments Don’t Hug – Embracing the Life Insurance Asset”.

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