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Are you Wickedly Passionate?

Are you truly passionate about your work, or just 'phoning it in'? During a recent visit to the London theater, Mark Bertrang pondered this question while attending a performance of Wicked. You can hit your marks, sing every song as written, and deliver each line perfectly—but what if the magic and passion are missing? Are you lacking passion in your job or career? Let's dive into the topic of being wickedly passionate.

Shreddies, Squares, Diamonds and Whole Life

What do you get when you turn a square into a diamond?

Health Insurance Agent

How healthy is your medical insurance plan?

Disability Insurance Agent

If you can’t work, the money stops. Now what?

Health Insurance Agent

How healthy is your medical insurance plan?

Umbrella Liability Protection

Want to see a goofy photo of Mark?

Telephones, The Number 7 & The Lottery

If you owned that lottery ticket and you knew was going to payout in the future, how might that change how you live your life today?

Garbage In, Garbage Out

Yes, you are what you ‘eat’; but you are also what you ‘think’.

A Leap Day, Leap Year Message

Our calendar is recalibrated every Leap Year, are you ready to recalibrate your human life value as well?

Whole Life Policy Loans

How can money be in two places at the same time?

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