What are Readers Saying about Investments Don't Hug?
"...this book pulls the reader in at a much more personal and relatable level. It still educates the reader, but via a different angle. Well written! I highly recommend and enjoyed the audiobook, which Bertrang narrated himself. The tone and tempo of his voice was perfect. Warning: if you will be driving while listening to this book, be aware that there may be times when your eyes may fill with tears. Again, awesome book! Highly recommend!” “I’ve long understood the NUMBERS of life insurance; this book speaks to the HEART.” “This is an amazing read, I highly recommend!!”
"...make sure you have a highlighter pen handy as there are words of wisdom to remember. What a great gift for a young couple just starting out and also young families."
"I received this book on Sunday and couldn't put it down until I finished it."

"So glad I purchased this book. What a great way to share the importance of life insurance, how it affects us down the road and the many choices we have. All this without it being dull or feeling like I was in, "Life Insurance 101." I am buying a copy for both of my children who are in their 20's and may not understand why you need to think ahead. What I enjoyed most about the book is how the stories touched the heart and soul of why we take care of our loved ones while we can."
"Mark thank you for writing this book. Your radio days come through as you tell these stories and there will clients and advisors nationwide that benefit from them."
"I laughed and cried and really ENJOYED this book! You learn how to apply financial principles and products to your life through the touching and (warning) sometimes heartbreaking real-life stories Mark shares. Unique and highly recommended. I especially recommend listening to the book on audible. Mark was a radio guy before he got into life insurance, and he narrates this book like the pro he is. The book has heart as well as many financial tips, examples and metaphors…"

"I've read many books on investing, insurance, financial planning etc (cause I'm a big nerd like that), and this is by the far the most unique of them all. There are few advisors who've been in business long enough to have the experiences, stories, and insights that Mark shares in this book. I was amazed by the blend of emotions I felt during the stories and how easily Mark explained the technical aspects of the insurance products discussed in this book. I loved the two questions Mark used to end this book and describe who are ideal people for his services. Definitely a must-read for anyone that has someone they love. Mark warns that women may need tissues, chocolate, and wine before reading... I would agree."