
Fiction or Nonfiction: what world do you live in?


I love green. Last night we had this nice, soft rain. It just rained all night long so much, in fact, that it came off of our parking lot and filled part of our water retention pond and it’s still seeping into the ground. It’s wonderful because the weather is just perfect; it’s in the mid-70s, the sun isn’t quite out yet, the birds are singing, and I just love the green this time of the year. Even the air feels better right now.

Today I want to talk about fiction and nonfiction. I don’t know what kind of a reader you are. I know a lot of people just like reading romance stories and fictional stories, whether it’s a sci-fi, adventure, or westerns. A lot of people when they’re on vacation love sitting around a pool, sitting the beach, just reading, and soaking up the sun and just enjoying quiet time with their book or their kindle. I, on the other hand, read fiction very, very seldom. Maybe I read one fiction book a year or every other year. That’s basically it. I like to read self-help books. I like to read business books. I love history; I love being able to look back in time and find out what the players of the political parties were thinking at the time, what congress was thinking at the time or the president or senators as they were making decisions throughout the history of the United States. I love presidential history. I love nonfiction.

So, the question is; what’s the difference between fiction and nonfiction? I know that there is a list of the top 10 or 25 fiction and nonfiction books typically in the United States so you can see that a lot of people enjoy reading fiction. A lot of people are engaged in nonfiction. But here’s the deal, when we are looking at the numbers, the numbers of your life, the numbers for planning for retirement, the numbers for what’s going to be happening in the market, everybody is always looking at past history, which is nonfiction. They are taking those numbers, and they are creating world of fiction in to the future. Basically, saying if this is what is happened in the past, this is how I should extrapolate numbers, and this is how things will happen in the future.

Here’s my experience; we really never know what’s going to be happening in the future. It seems like every few years something happens that has never occurred before. I remember in 2008 when we had the credit crisis, the market went down about 50%, and bonds went down during that period of time. All the pundits on the financial news networks were saying that this has never happened before. Now we are at hopefully the tail end of the pandemic. Again, when this began about 2-3 years ago people said this hasn’t happened for a hundred years. This was not expected to happen. This was difficult to formulate that that was in anyone’s future plans. Now, there’s a war in Ukraine with Russia; that was not in anyone’s plan. For there to be a war in Europe, that was basically fiction at that time, but it has become nonfiction.

All of the nonfiction things that have happened in the past, have happened in the past. As we plan for the future, everything is based on fiction. Everything is based on hypotheticals; they’re based on guesses. Who would have even guessed that the internet would become so prevalent today? I remember when I got my very first email and I was thinking this is not going to be that big of a deal, but this is how we communicate now. The internet has become such an important part. We can’t even dream about what the future is going to look like.

So, as you’re planning your future, you’re planning it in a world of fiction because we don’t know what’s going to be happening. So, wouldn’t it be nice to have some certainty? Would it be nice to add-in some nonfiction in to your fictional future? That’s the great thing about the life insurance asset. I’m a big believer in certainty. I’m a big believer in guarantees. I’m a big believer that, if there is a death, I want to make sure that the plan is carried out the way it was supposed to. I want to make certain that, if there’s a disability, things continue the way they were supposed to because I don’t know what’s going to happen in the future in my life. I don’t know what’s going to be happening in your life in the fictional future. But, if we can, let’s pull some nonfiction tools in to our life and push them forward in to our future, fictional life.

We have dreams. We have hopes. We have goals. We have things that we are looking forward to in the future, but no matter how we set those goals up it is a fictional future until it happens. At that time, it becomes nonfiction. To make your fictional future more of a possibility, pull in some nonfictional products. Some nonfictional guarantees. Some nonfictional plans. To make the fiction more of a possibility. Fiction. Nonfiction. How are you planning your life and how can the life insurance asset become part of it?

For more information, please contact me or please contact my office. We work nationwide. We work locally right here on Main Street in Onalaska, WI. We can help your fictional possibilities become a reality. To learn more about the life insurance asset, order my book online, Investment’s Don’t Hug: Embracing the Life Insurance Asset. It’s available on Amazon, iTunes, Audible, etc. To find out more about my book and my team, simple go to my website, without the apostrophe,

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