
What’s a BAD birthday?

Is there such a thing as a bad birthday?  I’ve seen bad birthdays happen to clients.  Those clients who come to me, and they have already put together their life insurance plans, their life insurance portfolios years before, and have never really kept on top of what they had.  A life insurance portfolio should be reviewed on a regular basis.  No matter what the agent says, it’s important that it be reviewed.  My experience has been that many policies taken out during the 1980’s, 1990’s and even now doesn’t have the guarantees that you would anticipate that they should have; whether they are term insurance or whether it is permanent insurance.  Now, we know that term insurance is not permanent.  It will not be there forever.  So, the day that you die, it might not be there.  Did you know that there are problems with certain guarantees that the insurance might die before you do, and that’s what I call a bad birthday.

If you have not received a regular review where you get down into the nuts and bolts and numbers of your life insurance policy, or if it is an orphaned policy that you just wished that you had some eyes that could go through it with you to make certain it’s there when you believe it should be there, contact our office for how permanent or term insurance works.

I discuss these during many chapters of my book “Investments Don’t Hug – Embracing the Life Insurance Asset”, which is available in an audio format through Audible or I-Tunes.  But again, I would recommend that you would receive the book so you can delve into the stories, delve into the understanding of how life insurance works.

I’m Mark Bertrang, author of “Investments Don’t Hug – Embracing the Life Insurance Asset”.

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