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Retirement Harvest Insurance

Farmers understand the value of crop insurance; but what do you know about insuring your own harvest, your retirement planning?

Enter/Exit Life Insurance Contracts

 Do you have a choice? Term Life, Whole Life? What's the benefits and disadvantages of each. Advertising would have you believe that term life insurance is always the way to go; but, is it? What happens when the term of time is over with? You 'entered' into the contract; but, could the insurance company 'exit' you from your contract just when you need it most. Here are some thoughts from Mark Bertrang, the author of Investments Don't Hug: Embracing the Life Insurance Asset.

Do you have a backup battery for your financial life?

Do you have a backup battery for your financial life? What happens when there is an emergency? What happens when there is an opportunity? Does your 401K continue when you're disabled? Really? Are you sure? What about the company match? Does that continue when you become disabled? Really? Are you sure? Where do you hold your safe money?

Who plans for a disability?

Other than policies for governmental workers, your employer’s Disability Insurance may be “on the fringe”. Learn how to avoid being relegated to a “living death”.

Bumps in the Road

Life doesn't always go smooth. There are often unexpected detours or bumps in the road. How are you prepared for them?

Free Resources

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The What, How & Why of the Life Insurance Asset

What's your What, How, Why?

Measuring Whole Life Implementation

Measuring Whole Life Implementation

Whole Life - Rate of Return

What is the rate of return of a whole life insurance policy? 

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