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Grafting grapevines, Olive Trees & Whole Life Insurance
Olive trees has been dying in many countries due to pests and disease that has killed off entire hillsides. Have you felt that same frustration with your 401(k), IRA or other retirement account? Specialized grafting has saved many vineyards and olive groves. Could a graft of a whole life insurance policy into your plan help your retirement account sustain itself, to not only survive but to thrive? Mark Bertrang, the author of Investments Don't Hug: Embracing the Life Insurance Asset, discusses the grafting of a whole life insurance policy to your overall retirement planning to counter the financial pests and disease that your retirement maybe suffering from.
Fiction or Nonfiction: what world do you live in?
Often we believe by looking at the past we can simply project out into the future. Is that really the case? Do yesterdays always predict our tomorrows? Mark Bertrang provides insight into the future our lives may become.
Language Misunderstanding
Words can be confusing. Why? Sometimes we simply don’t speak the same language. During a recent trip to southern Italy, this became very clear to me. Sometimes just holding up the wrong fingers during a simple conversation can confuse one another. So, why is it that when both speakers are speaking English, there can still be confusion? They’re both speaking the same language, yet there’s a misunderstanding of their communication. We can all suffer from language misunderstandings.
The Glass Bull
You've heard of the story about the Achilles Heel or a Glass Jaw. Today, Mark Bertrang shares the story about The Glass Bull. Decades ago, Mark purchased this bull in the village of Murano on an outlying island of Venice, Italy. A small group of world-class glass factories are located there, where handblown works of art are produced. Mark carried this bull throughout Italy fearful it would break. It didn't. Yet as it was then, it is still a fragile piece that helps to tell a story of beauty and venerability today.
Get in the Game!
There are those folks who sit in the stands or “armchair quarterback” from their mancave. Yet, to win, you actually have to get off your duff and get into the game. Playing is oftentimes difficult. It takes training, practice, and endurance. That’s why most of us simply sit in our overstuffed La-Z-Boy and yell at our big screen televisions after each play of the game. For some, money is also a game. Are you watching or are you ‘in the game’? Are you waiting for an outcome or are you working toward your outcome?
Scarcity, Abundance & Dryer Sheets
You may live in a world of scarcity or in a world of abundance. Often, we choose the world in which we live because of our upbringing. We bring our own circumstances to the world that we live in. Many believe that their world is out of their control and sometimes it is, but maybe our mind limits us more than our own individual circumstances. Mark Bertrang uses a simple story about dryer sheets to explore the possibilities of prosperity thinking in your life.
Are you an Outlier?
People talk about 'averages' as if they actually live in an average world where everything plays out in average ways. Is that really how life works? Do you want to be average or are you an Outlier, who wants to live in a non-average world, a world full of possibilities which aren't average, but are unique? Let's discuss averages, outliers, your life and the options to live a more impactful life using the Life Insurance Asset in a non-average way.
4-Year-Old Broken Refrigerators
I was scrolling through my Facebook feed recently and saw this post from a client and friend of mine, lamenting on how his four-year-old refrigerator died. It was brand new in 2018 at a cost of $1,900. He and his family had to move all of its contents to a nearly thirty-year-old refrigerator in their basement that has now outlasted two modern refrigerators. He went on to say - "The new stuff just sucks when it comes to reliability." Do you ever feel that way.? I know I do. This is a perfect example of what I have seen for the past thirty-five plus years in the life insurance industry. The advertisements are always trying to sell you the new and the improved, when all you really want is something that simply lasts the test of time. Here's my take on what lasts.
Alfie, What’s it all about?
In the mid-1960s Michael Caine starred in a British comedy/drama titled Alfie. It might be better known by the question which was also part of its title and a song which became famous by Dionne Warwick - "What's it all about, Alfie?". Today is Mark Bertrang's birthday and it is not unusual for each of us to ask this same question of ourselves. Mark shares an intimate story of what he believes his calling is all about.
Is it good or bad for you? – Coffee & Whole Life Insurance
If you research down through the ages, you can see how your simple cup of morning Joe has been maligned. Coffee was thought to make you weak, lazy, and of questionable values. Coffee?!? This simply tells of a popular opinion before people actually knew the facts. Some of these research opinions were still considered valid as little as thirty years ago. Think how your days would be different without your morning brew. The same might be said regarding owning a portfolio of quality mutual insurance company whole life insurance. It's unfortunate that most consumers have not had the benefits and the actual uses of this time-tested product. Businesses know how it works. Banks know how it works. Individuals need to understand and make the decision for themselves on how to maximize their own 'living' lives with this unique asset which can provide safety and liquidity for emergencies and opportunities.
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